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just an FYI, i been trying to get a couple sets of drag pipes from jetpro, tried al's, DDM and OBR all said that Jetpro was discontinueing the pipes, took al's 3months to tell me that, i been waiting that long for a set,try to support my local shops with stuff like this makes it hard,
i got in touch with dino from Jetpro and contrary to what al's,DDM and OBR say they have never discontinued any pipes, basicly it's just a way to sell there own products over the competitor by B/S'ing about one another,
either i got my pipes coming dino hooked me up with 2 pipes and silencers for $450 shipped

just a FYI

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jetpro - by grim digger - 02-06-2012, 07:46 AM

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