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how old are you? how'd u get into rcing?
well lets see i started when I was 12 I think I started off with a kyosho sandmaster mk11 buggy i drove that into the ground, then i got an e-rustler and raced that for a while then a b3 then 2 xxx's then a rc10gt then a t maxx and a couple other cars but i forget what then i took about a 3 year brake to fly planes now im back stronger than ever. i got my maxx up and running, also i got a xxx-nt that im racing now. my grandpa got me into rc's but I got myself int cars, but my recent inspiration was cuz of freeride. its sad all that time and money on rc cars and racing, and i still know next to nothing about cars and i cant race for chit lol

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how old are you? how'd u get into rcing? - by NiTrO_aDdIcTiOn - 03-02-2006, 12:31 AM
how old are you? how'd u get into rcing? - by Tex - 03-02-2006, 11:30 AM

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