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enjoy life as you know it cause it's over
here's where I have a problem with Obama... earlier in his campaign he mentioned picking a "white" vice president, now they are talking minorities being given the offices based on skin color, what the hell happened to the best person for the job? we're now picking by race to fill offices? shoot, I'm gonna become something other than a cracker so I can get my butt into the white (that's gotta change) house.... This would be like me telling someone "nah, you are too caucasion, I can't hire you"....

US Supreme Court to test Obama's talents - Yahoo! News

this just grates on my nerves...sorry... it shouldn't be about skin color, I didn't vote for McCain because Obama was black, I voted for him because I FELT he was the best for the job...

EDITED TO ADD: I realize that this may not be Obama himself saying this, but if it's being said, then it's happening... I think this whole "race" thing has got blown way out of proportion! Congrats, to making it and all, but let's forget that he is black, my president has never really had a skin color anyhow, why start now?

and for the record, I think Palin was chosen because she was a woman, I believe that was wrong and they got the screwin' they deserved for picking her, even though she can cause and erection in the average male, that don't cut it with me... I think she's a pretty stupid choice and as far as that goes, she didn't think much on her own, just some bullshit "maverick" comments and such, she was a pretty stupid choice, I think my dog could've done about as good. I watched the debates, I personally thought that she was much better at causing wood, than she would ever be at being VP.

and this is what we need with the economy the way it is, a bunch more of 6 digit, do nothing damned government employees with a new office to drive us further in debt... how about when the car needs gas, instead of buying a new one, fill the SOB up and make the thing work.... we should make our government work, not add more...
Obama considers new Energy Security Council - Yahoo! News
"if guns cause crime, all of mine are defective" - Ted Nugent

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enjoy life as you know it cause it's over - by stratcat - 11-06-2008, 03:57 PM

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