Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - Printable Version

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Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - bigjs - 08-30-2005

Looking for some advice on the best way to clean a vehicle that's dirty from racing? I've read to take the engine, wheels and electronics off and spray it down with a hose, then let it dry and spray the metal parts with wd40. Any other ideas, or ways that everybody else does it?


Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - snakebite46 - 08-30-2005

I take the radio tray and motor out, brush off the loose dirt with a small detail brush or small paint brush and then spray the thing down with 50/50 mix of simple green and denatured alchohol. then a slight rinse with hose, air compressor dry and then spray it with WD40.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - cemeb4dk - 08-30-2005

Simple green and an air compressor. Just keep it away from the electronics or remove electronics. The sparay with wd40

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - bigjs - 08-30-2005

Thanks guys for the tips. I don't have an air compressor, but I can buy some simple green.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - RCDad - 08-31-2005

I don't have an air compressor either, for me it's take apart - clean - put back together.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - DAVEC-NITRO-RS4 - 08-31-2005

Small compressors are cheap at Harbor Freight Tools or Farm & Fleet.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - Mr. Tune - 08-31-2005

An air compressor would save you so much time. You should think about doing some price researching and picking one up.

I remove the engine, wheels, then spray a 50/50 mix of simple green and water. Then a brush it a little to loosen up the hard stuff. I then crack out the hose and spray it down. Drying it up with the air hose is last. Truck looks brand new after Smile.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - RCDad - 08-31-2005

That would mean I'd have to haul all that outside. My perfect off-race day is sitting in front of the TV with a case of beer, a good race or game on TV and just cleaning, regreasing, tightening on an RC. Throw in a plate of nachos or taquitos and I'm in hog heaven!

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - DAVEC-NITRO-RS4 - 08-31-2005

Are you single or is your wife perfect?????

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - PoPRC - 08-31-2005

Right! My wife would kick my *ss if she saw me sittin on the couch cleanin my RC in front of the TV!

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - RCDad - 08-31-2005

Well of course she's perfect! (you saw that babe right?), no I sit on the floor with a towel. I don't get anything on the couch or floor.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - Eracer76 - 08-31-2005

I use a small brush to get the dust and big stuff off, then I spray on some engine degreaser from the auto parts store, rinse it off with the garden hose and blow it dry with the air compressor and it looks good as new!

My perfect off day it is out in my garage, at my work bench/ R/C bench were all my tools are, while watching T/V and drinking beer Big Grin

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - RCDad - 08-31-2005

Yeah! If I had a garage I'd be there with you dude.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - Mr. Tune - 08-31-2005

Hmm, a tv in my garage sounds like a good idea...

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - rocco79 - 08-31-2005

I dont like the idea of water getting inside my diff cases.... Ive found that too much simple green will find its way into the diffs and rust bare metal.... That and the cup part of my cvd's have surface rusted too, i guess the wd-400000000000 and the compressor doesnt always push it alll out

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - Obsessive R/C - 08-31-2005

For wrenching I set up on a towel on the dining room table...I thought that would never fly with the wife, but she seems to think its better than me being out in the garage and leaving her alone inside w/ the kids.

As far as the major clean up goes...50/50 simple green and water, blow dry w/ compressed air, wd-40 as needed.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - bigjs - 08-31-2005

How much do these air compressors cost that you guys use?

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - cemeb4dk - 08-31-2005

I got a craftsman 3 gallon 1.5 hp I think its 150 psi for 99.00 at sears. MIne came with the hose and all the adapters.

Harbor freight has them for like 60-80.00 depending.

Thing is get one that is not maintenance free, get the one you have to oil, it will last alot longer.

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - bigjs - 08-31-2005

hmm 60 bux isn't bad. where's this harbor freight?

Best way to clean a Dirty RC vehicle? - cemeb4dk - 08-31-2005
