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hunts Ketchup is better than Heinz hands down!!!!!!
HaHa I was just thinking about digging up this thread and came on to do it and you beat me too it lol
Dude no FREGGIN WAY is it better! That's like saying Peter Pan peanut butter is better than Skippy!
but jiff is better then both
Whaterver ponch! All i know is Poweraide is better than gatoraide, Bounty is the quicker picker upper an that blows brawney outta the water and Zingers own twinkies!!!!
GAWD I want this economy to pull up out of this death's getting damn depressing everywhere.

What's next? Churches and schools going bankrupt?

I'm hopeful that B'rocco Obama will save us.

(I know, Chicago already closed some schools)
mmmmmmmmm, zingers
DAVEC-NITRO-RS4 Wrote:GAWD I want this economy to pull up out of this death's getting damn depressing everywhere.

What's next? Churches and schools going bankrupt?

I'm hopeful that B'rocco Obama will save us.

(I know, Chicago already closed some schools)

I too hope that the econ comes out of if its current state. It would also help me with finding a job, as there will be more places to go.
speaking of Barack, i was in the city last night, walking to the H.O.B. and down dearborn there is like banners of barack, and in a 7/11 every single magazine had his face on it. Its like he's somehow as important as all the dirt digging they do on celebritys. I think all the public spotlight drama crap needs to go away...sad
Obama was talking about how his kids had their classes canceled in Washington. He said that that never happened in Chicago and that Washington needed to learn to deal with winter. Haha
So what has happened here? No one posting about RC?
Noone does it anymore.
I'll buy one as a toy again sometime. Got tired of throwing money into it trying to have some fun and having people just whine/bitch the whole time. I'll probably pick up something large scale when I have some disposable income.
No one does what anymore? Post and lurk at this forum or race and bash RC?
FreeRideFrosty Wrote:e. Got tired of throwing money into it trying to have some fun and having people just whine/bitch the whole time.

You need to race with us at Strictly and Underground. We have a no-bitching/whining rule that is absolutely enforced. Everyone is happy, stays happy and goes home happy. Race Trans AM and you aren't throwing much money at all to race week after week.

If you are in Lombard, you can make it to race on Sundays with us in about 35 minutes from your house.

Join us. Minimally stop by and at least check it out and meet us all.
Is there a smiling rule too? YOU WILL SMILE!
No smile rule. We do like eye contact though. If you don't look up every now and then we stare you down until you do. Do you have pretty eyes?
FreeRideFrosty Wrote:Obama was talking about how his kids had their classes canceled in Washington. He said that that never happened in Chicago and that Washington needed to learn to deal with winter. Haha

hehe, I saw that yesterday, have to admit it made me laugh.

Guess his youngest daughter was kind of surprised by school getting canceled since they didn't even cancel recess for that where she went to school out here:bustingup
chicagokenji Wrote:No one does what anymore? Post and lurk at this forum or race and bash RC?

I guess life is catching up with all the guys...priorities over playtime.

I still have all my stuff, in fact I just picked up an 1/8 scale buggy...why, I don't know...but I did...I really wanted the engine, but the guy gave me a good deal on the whole buggy, I have another nitro that gathers dust, but man, it's a nice buggy Smile
I still have all my stuff too. It's all sitting in a closet in the garage collecting dust. Did bash my truggy last summer. Fired right up after sitting for months for almost a year. Unbelievable!
If any of you non users got a slash laying around, pm me... let's talk Big Grin
how did I miss this thread! funny shit!!!! I was rollin' a few times...hahaha

I hope everyone is doing good Smile

I've been trying to race as much as possible down here in Texas but work has kept me busy and money seems low...
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