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Tommy, doesn't that neck "bar" thing get you flagged when you go thru security screening at the airport?

The tattoo looks damn good, artwise...who did that for you?
DAVEC-NITRO-RS4 Wrote:Tommy, doesn't that neck "bar" thing get you flagged when you go thru security screening at the airport?

The tattoo looks damn good, artwise...who did that for you?

Took the peircing out before ever going on a flight. 99% of people reject a peircing in that spot and I was one of them. Had it for about a month before it became to much. Didn't bug me that much, only problem is I work at a warehouse and back then I actually had to throw cases so my shirt kept tugging it(felt kinda cool, but I'm messed up in the head). As for pain didn't feel a whole lot just 4 pinches realy. Also it's called "skin stapling" Really does look like a staple outta the skin.

As for the tat, Rob up at skin gallery finished it for me, Redid the whole thing in 3 hours, cleaned up the lines a little. Def going back to him to get some more.
Jerry (ObsessiveRC) DID MY TAT OVER AT INKTOWN IN LOMBARD... (ooops caps) Jerry hooked my shit up Looks bad ass!
rocco79 Wrote:Jerry (ObsessiveRC) DID MY TAT OVER AT INKTOWN IN LOMBARD... (ooops caps) Jerry hooked my shit up Looks bad ass!

If I had known where he worked I would have probably checked him out first. But Rob did a killer job on it so I'm happy. Can't wait for the summer now!
rocco79 Wrote:Jerry (ObsessiveRC) DID MY TAT OVER AT INKTOWN IN LOMBARD... (ooops caps) Jerry hooked my shit up Looks bad ass!

Any pics of Jerrys work?
Yeah lemme see if i remember how too post them
yeah that didnt work... I dont know.
That looks like the location of a pic that's on a mac. Noob, you need to upload to internet first.
LMAO .... Yeah, like i said... I dont know. LOL!
My family Code of Arms. Jerry Cross (ORC) Nailed it. Jerry has quite the artist eye guys. He sure hits all the details. I couldnt be happier. Well, maybe if i had a better pic, cuz this doesnt do it justice. Thanks Jer!

[Image: n1595705833_132619_597.jpg]
This is it before color... Fresh after a sitting of shading. It gives a better idea of its size and detail!

[Image: l_5150c6abf018480ca01706c51ae83c87.jpg]
I need to buy a freakin real camera... Cell phones just dont get the crisp lines
You need to hit the tanning booth too. You're the whitest Italian I ever saw.

It is winter time.... so back off

.. And im incredibly pale!

Mr. Tune Wrote:You need to hit the tanning booth too. You're the whitest Italian I ever saw.

I'm darker than you and I'm irish!

But very nice work, def need to hit him up when it comes time for the next one! This time it will be on the other side
I got to hear the story behine the Code of Arms. My daughter had to design us one in art class, how did you get yours?
Jerrys work is awsome as always. Great detail and shading.
Kevin, Check out this site for your Coat of arms. There is a search bar in the top left. Put in your last name.

Coats of Arms (Family Crests) & Surname Histories
Yeah there is alot of factors that make them specific to your family... It was a way to identify family militias , property and belongings in time before reading was a common skill. Lots of history in a little design.
I did not know... Thanks for the info. So rocco, if you enter your name on that sight does it display the same crest on your arn? I have what looks like a white flamingo or a crane on mine. Theres no way in hell im getting that tatooed on my arm. The search continues...
Im sure if your name is Smith it would be nearly impossible too find the "correct" crest, or atleast MUCH more difficult than the search that i had. My last name is unique to say the least... There were only two crests for "Zoccoli" (My last name) on that website and my Uncle who has done alot of family tree research had a picture of our crest on his wall so i used that to compare too.

* A few of those websites that claim to have millions of family crests had no listing at all for my last name*
MX_KEVIN Wrote:I did not know... Thanks for the info. So rocco, if you enter your name on that sight does it display the same crest on your arn? I have what looks like a white flamingo or a crane on mine. Theres no way in hell im getting that tatooed on my arm. The search continues...

My last name is my coat of arms had flowers in it. However, I do have flowers tattoo'd on me
Does the piercing go all the way through, or is it a staple? Is it permanent?
That looks awesome Rocco. Jerry rocks at tattoo's and paint! He did this one on me.
[Image: 50748c34517ea0cd.jpg]
mikeh Wrote:Does the piercing go all the way through, or is it a staple? Is it permanent?

This is the piercing outside of the skin. Def not permanent but def not the easiest thing to get out of your own neck!!

[Image: piercing1.jpg]
[Image: piercing2.jpg]
[Image: piercing3.jpg]
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