
Full Version: Torco Racing Fuels!
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i wish the drive to NU blows lmao
maybe you should look into a fancy tote or tackle sytem for your book and use mass transit. maybe somebody here has a unit that they would like to forcefeed errrrr suggest.
GWPHOENIX Wrote:i was very interested in this thread when it first showed up. But now when I come back and see there is 2 pages on it I thaught this new fuel has gott some real attention. Bruce had something!

But instead it's THE SAME OLD CRAP!!

didn't Tune have a thread about this BS rants that have nothing to do with the subject? Where are the MOD's?

Bruce good luck on the new fuel and I look forward to trying it!!
Tune good luck- you need it!!!!!!!!!
really didnt see any bitchin here or bashin just a little humor mostly at my expense. this hobby's gotta be fun some time right? and im sure the mods had a laugh also. relax
allan42r Wrote:really didnt see any bitchin here or bashin just a little humor mostly at my expense. this hobby's gotta be fun some time right? and im sure the mods had a laugh also. relax

I think you miss the point. BS'ing is fine. This hobby IS supposed to be fun. But SOME of us actually come here looking for information. And it would be nice if we didn't have to scroll through pages of crap to find it. STAY ON SUBJECT PLEASE! When was the last time someone actually posted something that anything to do with the subject of this thread. There is a place for everything.
The way I see it, question gets asked, answered. Other conversations start. Any news happens on the subject, it gets posted. People converse about that, and then another subject gets interwound with it and people veer off into that conversation until a new point of interest arises.
Bruce give me 2 gallons of this stuff so I can try.
Ryan you still have anything (RC)?
maybe he is looking for a great fire starter. torco's other stuff has been great for that in the past
Is this fuel actually out yet? Or are they just feeling out interest?
Matt- yeah I bought back my 8ight buggy Smile , looking to buy a RC8 after I drive my buddys to see how I like it I will be at the R&R in evansdale next saturday
got to get this for my rock crawler?
blktransam Wrote:Matt- yeah I bought back my 8ight buggy Smile , looking to buy a RC8 after I drive my buddys to see how I like it I will be at the R&R in evansdale next saturday

Ha wasn't talking to you Ryan, was talking to Michowski aka Ryan also :p:
well damn it if the shoe fits lol
Torco my man, whats next.....skittles??? LOL
bruce can I get a few gallons to try out?

He said "NO" .......check the trash talk thread...haha
O ok, thanks buddy.
i bet he will be head of R&D for torco very shortly...
can we change the title to torco racing crap?
or more of bruces bullshit....
Is it so hard to stay on topic? Does everyone have ADD on this site?

This thread is so far gone, it's not even worth repairing. Thread closed.
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