
Full Version: Need TNX help!!
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Okay guys I need some advice. I just picked up a TNX pro truck w/os .18. I haven't gotten it in yet but need to know if I can convert it over to a 5.2 version so I can drop a BB in it. I can't seem to find a good place for advice on this. I heard the 5.2 is lighter also. What is different between the 2 to make it lighter besides 8 shocks versus 4? Basically looking for any tips.
Does anyone know about TNX's? Are the 5.2 parts interchangeable?
I don't think any Chi people have owned a TNX. I have only read up on them so I wouldn't have any first hand experience to give.
Thanks Tex. I have not seen one in person but heard they are tough as nails. Prolly gonna figure out something interesting to do with it. Some sort of project truck. With the flat chassis it would lend itself well to some sort of brushless conversion. Hmmm.