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Anyone else see his speech this morning? He seems to be one of the most natural and powerful speakers I have seen. I'm glad I woke up to see it.Confusedalute:
But will the party pick him over Hillary?
They might. I hear more and more about how she is going to have a hard fight on her hands. People saying that the country is not ready to have another clinton back in the white house. That she doesnt have the support of women like everyone once thought. Along with other things,granted they are small but they will add up.

This is going to be a good fight and right now,I have no clue who will come out on top. The same is happening on the other side with McCane and Rudy. They are the top 2 Rep. and people are having a hard time calling which one will win there.
I think Obabma will beat out Clinton. His supporters are soooo diverse while Clinton needs to almost capitalize entirely on a few groups. And why do both of the republican candidates right now look really shifty? Haha
plus he will get the entire black vote
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:plus he will get the entire black vote

But you need to remember that to counter that there is still a fair amount of racism so he will lose that vote. (Granted most of those votes go republican anyway.) I think it will be interesting.
cmon dan every black voter will vote for him just for the shear fact that he is half black. Then every white guy that doesnt vote for him every bleeding heart liberal in the world will call them just another racist republican. HE is definetly going to be the democratic candidate just so the Dems can play the race card
No he wont get all of their votes. There are many that dont vote Dem. There are others that wont give it to him because they will see him as 'a sellout' because he doesnt represent the black race like Jessie or sharptin does.
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:cmon dan every black voter will vote for him just for the shear fact that he is half black. Then every white guy that doesnt vote for him every bleeding heart liberal in the world will call them just another racist republican. HE is definetly going to be the democratic candidate just so the Dems can play the race card

Typical ignorent republican comment.
no dan sorry, just telling it like it is
The "race card" will not be played. If you notice, only the media is hyping the race issue anyway. Obama said in an interview that he feels if he loses it will be for reasons other than race. Just because you don't vote for him doesn't make you a racist.
wow the dems have really warped you think they dont know the media is going to hype up the race thing? of course they know; now the dems dont have to, the media will make a big deal out of it
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:wow the dems have really warped you think they dont know the media is going to hype up the race thing? of course they know; now the dems dont have to, the media will make a big deal out of it

Yes Mike they warped me. Rolleyes The thing is, whether or not they WANT the race thing a part of it is irrelavent. He can't change that. The media is going to hype it, and the democrats are not going to touch the topic. They may say something along the lines of having the first minority president, but that is about it. Unlike many candidates, Obama seems to actually be able to connect to the crowds he speaks to. I'd vote for him over Hillary.
They wont play him up as being black. The media will do that for them. They are leaving themselves an out. Somewhere to point the finger and that will be the media.
Hes such an eloquent speaker, at the Dem convention, his speech was based on "everyone should be there brothers keeper." Well whose his keeper? Reskoe? Rolleyes
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
dans got nothing to say he knows im right Smile
uggghhh I take it nobody here... ah you know what nevermind I ain't startin nothing. Lets just say I'm from the southern kind o life
lmao ahhh the good life ehh?? Wink
yea the real kinda life. I am not a fan of this state I grew up here but the rest of my family abandonded me back home to the good land