
Full Version: Interest in off-road club track in Elgin area?
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I am looking to gauge the interest in establishing an off-road club track in Gilberts, IL that would be just off of Randall Rd. near 90. A friend of mine is a village trustee and has told me that there are some areas that the village may allow a track to be built if they thought the interest was there. There is PLENTY of clay in Gilberts that could be used to build the track. I don't currently race off-road so I will admit to having ZERO knowledge of what would be required to build the track and if it would be worth the effort. There is electric at the site that could be used for charging. I am primarily looking to see how many would actually be interested in helping to plan the track and see if it can be done. I am starting to get back into electric on-road but I know that the vilage isn't going to let us lay pavement.
I would be interested! wouldnt mind helping either. Im in Itasca so elgins not that far for me.
if you build it they will come!
rusty savage Wrote:if you build it they will come!

Edit: "if you build it and advertize it they will come"

but if u dont get your name out there no one will come Sad
Sorry for the delay but I just got back online thanks to a "great" Linksys router. In order to get our town to allocate the space for the track they would probably want to see a large showing of interested hobbyist that would attend and help to maintain track (ie. - a club that would be responsible). I will confess to having no idea what would be required to handle this but would love to get input from people who have been involved in this type of project before.