
Full Version: Lookin' for a gel cell
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Anybody got a gel cell that they want to get rid of? I will be at LHR Sunday.
is it for a starter box? do yourself a favor and just get the stick packs man
his doesnt accept sticks
he would have to put ends on it and then it will
I have an extra one, $10
You gonna be at LH tomorrow Tex?
nope, you can come get it from the house, I'm 20 mins north of the track. OR, I can meet at LH hobby shop
OK, Tex. Just let me know the next time you are going to LHR or LH and I'll see if I can get there.
I don't have plans as of yet to go to either so.....your the one who needs it, you let me know. I cannot go to the track tomorrow, that's for sure.

you can come get it from me at any time.
ok, I'm not really in a hurry to get it either, lol. I am borrowing one from someone. I'm not going to run up there just to get it so. Just LMK whenever you go. Smile
GelCell is better than stickpacks anyway and last longer.

Yeah it is heavier but it is not like you walk around with the box all day.
You plant it and it stays there all day.Good find for $10
stick packs are much better man, they charge faster last much longer have more torque just makes life easier. oh and when they are dead they dont just suddenly stop working lol
Czech-it-Out Graphics Wrote:stick packs are much better man, they charge faster last much longer have more torque just makes life easier. oh and when they are dead they dont just suddenly stop working lol

Yeah, they start slowing down right when you main is up, right? lol
u gotta charge more than once every two months tho Wink
Well I have the GC and I top off all my batt before anything.
I have had no problems all summer with GC.
They last longer on a full charge over sticks anyway.
Yes they take a long time to charge but that is what the overnight charger is for.
u'll see man lol