I have been banned from sometime. Talked crap about the 2.5 carb saying it was cheap plastic. Some stupid mod yelled at me then banned me. Then went and talked trash about me AFTER I was banned. Internet tuff guy,got to love it.
But anyway,has anyone else been banned from the traxxas forums? Or any other RC forum for that matter?
I have made attempts to make a new name there. But everytime I make do that. I am told the email address is banned. Even though I am using a different address. What gives?
I'm traxxas banned.. I asked and they don't know why but I can't make a new account.
because of your IP addres for your computer has been banned
It has to be like a E-mail you pay for, like it can't be Yahoo! or AOL. I've been banned from there 3 times. Each time it was something stupid, this last time it was because my sig was too long and I PM'ed the mod who gave me warning points and I didn't even get a response, I just got banned on an account of "being beligerant in PM's to a mod" and I thought I was nice.
I forget the guy who did me. But I find out later that he kicked 2 other people that I know. And he wasnt even listed on the Mod list for the revo section. All I have are yahoo or aol emails. Guess I can try one from somewhere else.
Alot of good stuff there,but the main downside is that the mods are just to anal about everything. You get in trouble if you say the HPI Hellfire. It has to be HPI's truggy,or H-Fire or some kid like crap like that. I doubt I can be PC long enough before I get banned again. LOL
And I dont know much about PCs and internet stuff. But I know about the IP stuff(used in socom). But does that change when I change ISP's? I think I had comcrap when I got the boot. Now I have SBC but I still get the 'banned' message.
I've never been able to register to post there and I own one of their trucks!!!
Lame board.
It's gotta be a new, PAID FOR email addy I think, so that the people that get banned don't just make a new email and a new username.
I've had 5 of their trucks lol. I've gotten banned everytime by razer, one time because I just re-registered with a 1 charecter different name and he saw it banned me on the spot.
Well I used my SBC email and it worked. I was thinking about saying hi to the pud that banned me. I have always wanted to speak my mind about how he acted. But I will hold off on that. And he is still not listed as a Mod for that server.
Found him. He is a Mod on the Tmaxx server. Acreeguy
Thats cuz you don't post on there.
I've tried to speak my mind, it does no good, just gets you frustrated.
there use to be a buddy locator on there. and we had the chicago one cleared and deleted a couple of times for talking about non-traxxas items. and i was given warning points for using rotf, they said i had to use every word so people would know what it is.
They change the rules so much. I saw a rule talking about things like that rofl. I used BS once and got warned. Couldnt even say Bull. And doing something like F@^k or *&#@ is not allowed either.
The Traxxas forums are a joke..I can understand stricter rules being it a company owned site..But dear god
I got banned there and I never posted..Maybe one time, but it was apparently offensive or something..I didnt waste my time trying making a new account
I wish to post because there are alot of people giving the wrong advise and other things. Plus it is a good place to find info about revos seeing I still race one lol
i got warning points one time for saying crap.
I see what people get warning points for or even banned for and I never did it. I think I have close or more than 1,000 post on there. After a while it get's annoying. It's the same questions asked over and over everytime someone comes on with a new truck. I see why people get pissed when members don't use the "search" feature. It is also a bunch of "lame" people IMHO who just say they love their truck so much and always refer to the truck as "her" or give it a name. I can see a 1:1, but a 1/10 RC, come on.
BottledBeast Wrote:because of your IP addres for your computer has been banned
Drew when your computer logs on to the internet you get a new I.P. address from a DNS server so they can't really track that.
Static IP(cant remember if thats the right one. I know there are two)
traxxas board sucks, plain and simple. That is where I started when I was a nitro newb and I have over 2000+ posts there. I'm still a member, never been banned but I don't post or even go to that forum EVER. It's a crap board.
"Razer" is a dick.
As are most of the "mods". I think the purpose of a mod should be to reasonably keep the peace, but the nimrods on Traxxas are a bunch of hyper sensitive political correctness police force. You can't even make a clean joke. Once, for a laugh, I replied to two posts from 2001 LOL! Just to see if anyone would notice. Good ol Razer had a hissy fit and gave me points for spamming. Its like the board is soo freaking clean and pc that they have to keep upping the ante on banning people to fulfill their need to feel useful.
Damn shame, since that is where Chitown all got started.
My IP address at home with comcast is said to be dynamic meaning it changes every time I log on to the service, however I've had the same IP for the last year now. I had a FTP server setup and just had people login using the IP addy and a user/pw combo.
The traxxas mods are a joke, every single one of e'm has a Tmaxx 3.3 stuck up their ass. The rules are a joke and even though there are useful tidbits of info on there the only reason I'd go there would be if I was looking to buy a used traxxas rc, it would be one of the places I'd look.
I wish lightning would strike the server and backups simulataniously and shut the traxxas site down for good. Or rather, I wish i could find out what the mods are under different user names on different forums.
Tex Wrote:traxxas board sucks, plain and simple. That is where I started when I was a nitro newb and I have over 2000+ posts there. I'm still a member, never been banned but I don't post or even go to that forum EVER. It's a crap board.
And what is your name there?
They have all told me that they are just doing what Traxxas has told them to do. Either way,it is way over the top. One replied to me saying that 'We wish to keep this board family friendly. So people of all ages can come here and not worry about reading something that they might become offended by'