
Full Version: WTB: rc18mt quick charger
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I'm looking for either a stock charger or a cheap quick charger for a stock rc18mt.
Lmk what you have.

Thanks, ORC
I got the one that came with my rc18t sitting on my bench at work. Come by and grab it if you want. I use my ice charger so it just sits.
Do you still need this charger?
Yeah I do...I just haven't had time to come by. Is the offer still open?
yes but im on vacation this week and want to stay as far away as possible from there. so next week is better. If you want me to bring it home (army trail/bloomingdale rd.)LMK
If you don't mind bringing it home, that's a little closer for me...I go by there at least a couple times a week. Lmk when a good time would be to pick it up.