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Dan if your seriously planning on racing pro series this year your gonna be in for a rude awakening bud. Only way to get good is go to the open practices and race as much as possible.
we all will see sunday lol :popcorn:
FreeRideJunkie Wrote:That is fine... it just seems like I am catching it from a lot of people because they think that you shouldn't be able to come out and do well that soon. Maybe I did enough homework before showing up to the track. I understand track time helps. I marshalled my ass of the first 2 times I was there. I learned every spot on that track. The problem spots, the different lines. Now granted I am not going to hit them perfect every time but I have a darn good idea of where I should be and how to get through a turn faster than the guy in front of me now. I learned how to pass without crashing through the tabletops, coming off of the back straight... I know the track well. If my motor runs well I will be fine... just wait. I am not saying I will TQ and blow you guys away. I think with my little track time you may be a little surprised though...

We get it dan! Drop it!!! Let it go!
who me? tommy who you talkin about??

I personally dont think we need ya steppin in . Were just talkin
And I didn't get all of the experience that I needed. Experience is just that... you get more every time you arte out there. I broke... changed 3 plugs and managed to retune my motor fast enough to be running when the race ended. I was damn proud to win the B and make it to the A my first race... if doing that makes me cocky I apologize...
thenewguy821 Wrote:Tommy, I'll sell the tickets... You always talk about your Stripper friends, you provide the trophy girl.... lol

don't talk to her anymore! I'll send you p.m.
rocco79 Wrote:who me? tommy who you talkin about??

I personally dont think we need ya steppin in . Were just talkin

I was talking to dan! I'll step in whenever i want! this is a free board! who do you think you are! j/k rocco!
Michowski Wrote:Dan if your seriously planning on racing pro series this year your gonna be in for a rude awakening bud. Only way to get good is go to the open practices and race as much as possible.

I know that. The thing is with as many AP classes as I am taking I can't really spend almost 2 hours driving to go practice during the week. I will get out when I can. I need to get my schoolwork straight first. When school is out you can bet I will be there more than I am at home... Sadly enough schoolwork helps determine my future... therfore determining how much I will be into this hobby in the future...
LOL!! I just thought you were tryin to be a school yard teacher tryin to break up somthin!
thats cool man. Just offering up some advice is all
rocco79 Wrote:LOL!! I just thought you were tryin to be a school yard teacher tryin to break up somthin!

hehe I hate kids! j/k naw this is actually very amusing to me!
Ryans not saying too start living at LH. He just wants you to realize that gettin good takes more than a couple races bro. Thats all everybody was sayin dude
just remember one thing, you can talk as much as you want here on the forums but it wont mean crap unless you can back it up on the the track. Ive seen rocco drive his savage faster then i ever thought a savage could go on a track. I cant give him enough credit for his awesome driving skillz there. And Dan its not a real race untill your on the drivers stand racing for a half hour straight. Once you've done that and placed top 3 out of at least 2 mains is when IMO you can talk crap back and forth. By no means is that me saying your not good but once you have a group of people who consistantly do that like me and rocco and go back and forth we can tend to get out of hand but yet to each other still remain just fun. You obviously saw it as not in a fun way as you've said tonight. Dont take anything personal and just always think of what somebody says as joking around and it will be so much more fun.
How much clearer can I make it that I understand that. In almost every post racing related I have stated that you need to run the track. I think that marshalling as much as I did helped me learn it faster. That is all... (I know practice makes you better, I know who the better experienced racers are, and I know I shouldn't be getting the chit that I am when I wasn't being cocky to begin with. The only people I have ever bashed about track racing were matt and john. That was because we raced and I beat them... straight up. That is all... I'm done. It isn't even worth it if after 2 races, you guys not really even seeing me race, I need to be shown my place.)
And that's fine... I didn't see your last post before I posted mine. And the two times I raced I was on the stand for 35 minutes and then 25 minutes... I had to win the B-main both times due to mechanical problems in qualifying...
Thanks Ryan for the Very kind words bro!

And ++++++++++++1 on the rest of your post!!!
35 minute B-main? Were the heck were you racing at?
How long are the mains at LH?!??!?!! LOL!!! I thought MT was a 20 min A???
I combined the B and A main times... I never left the stand between them so I figured what the hell...
ohhh i see.
no dude that dont count. Counts as good track time but not actual race time. Be racing head to head with a track filled with people of your skill level and go at it for a half hour straight trying to plan when to pit, focus on your lines, race people without crashing or hacking, trying to stay consistant. Do all that for a half hour straight and place high and then you will get a lot more respect from people. Again im not saying your bad or nothing just havent gotten that far yet. If you can do all that stuff i posted for a half hour straight with 100 thoughts goign through your head then IMO can talk as much crap as you want.

Ive done it at least 3 times placing two 2nd places and a first place. Im not saying im the best racer to step on the track but merely trying to show you there is a ton more then just a 10 minute race. And im telling you all this not to rip on you but to just help you out and trying to make you a better racer.
Got it... are races of that length generally larger scale trophy races or pro races or what?? See that is the level I want to get to. I in no way implied I was there... big deal... I didn't finish last in one A-main and placed high in a "club" race...
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
WOW! you guys need to shut up! Rolleyes
Depends on who is hosting the event and how big of a race it is. Generally some pretty nice trophies. IMO a club race is only a practice day compared to racing at the pro series were the pro's go. Its a completly different track when you race experienced people who are just fast and hardly ever mess up. And people that good can race any truck and still come out on top.
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