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im still thinking of ideas, i want to be original like everybody does that why i was just going to send you the body and let you go to town on it and i would pay whatever it costs, you are an artist and i didnt want to limit your creativity Smile basically i cant decide what i want lol you think you could make a body look like a shark?
ohh i got it, like an A-bomb on the hood with like a few radio active symbols elsewhere on the body ..... im sure its been done but oh well
Im sure i could do soemthing like that
yeah ill scetch something and send it with the body probably next week
Id like to see some of your [email protected]
Man 140degrees whew...I hope thats vented gear you got on. I tend to start melting around 90.
Good Luck and Stay Safe Confusedalute:
Confusedalute: that place looks too crazy for me
heres more pics from down range
whats the second pick of?
looks like a pic of rounds that have hit our vehicles.
looks like a shooting range, the wall they shoot at. lol
its my truck window after a big I.E.D.
Confusedalute: Gotta say Merry Christmas Confusedalute:

& as already said : " Thanks to You & all of our Brave Soldiers no matter where they are "
thank you very much for risking your life so we can have our freedom. I hope you have a Merry Christmas
and screw those terroist b*stards! LOL
Id love to go treasure hunting there...Those big swords on my front lawn should keep the neighbors at bay.
Those are some good pics man. What happened to your M4 got some of that moon dust on it LOL. I actually just got out of the Army on a MEB we where in Ar Ramadi or how ever it was spelled. We where there in 03-04 and I dont miss it one bit, I remmeber those days carring all your load and haveing to be out there all day. What kind of unit where you in? Me I was a mechanic in a Engineer unit out of Ft. Riley.

I got MEB because I was hit by small arms fire in my knee and they had to put some pins in it, not a nice feeling but oh well still have them I guess. I'll have to look up some of my pics and post some on here as well if you guys want.

Anyways man I'm glad your home and safe and I pray for all my brothers all the time that are still over there.

Here is a little something from a movie that we had painted on or billets wall so Hiji could read it when he was on our FOB

From this day to the ending of the world, we in it shall be remembered.
We lucky few, we band of brothers.
For he who today sheds his blood with me
shall forever be my brother.

Tough Confusedalute:
ramadi? did that used to be called camp cuervo or cmp muleskinner?
Sh1nn3r Wrote:Your telling me a revo couldnt carry some c4?

I cannot think of anything better to apply C4 to. LOL!!!!!
You are, by far, the bravest man I know of.
We where called Camp Junction City. I know it sounds weired but they wanted to name it after the town that Ft Riley is in. When we left 1st Marine division took over but they where getting ready to leave soon to so 2nd ID took it over after them and I dont know what they landed up calling it after that.
I spent a couple of weeks down in Fullujah and a month or so in Hobinia good times there.

The one thing that I could not stand about being over there was rideing in the back of a 5 ton with the Canvas on and not being able to see.
thats got to be freaky as hell
yeah thats kinda how we got to camp cuervo except it was in a duece and a half with no cover at night with like 20 people crammed in the back, driving down Irish "IED alley". I hate that road, i was in fallujah with the first M.E.F. Nov 2004, when they went back in. then up in Mosul, but spent most of my time on the east side of Baghdad.
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