
Full Version: Should ChiTown Forums be organized into more levels?
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I throw this out there without suggesting there's anything wrong with the way things are.

Without wishing to make needless work for Mr. Tune, would these forums benefit from more sub-levels of info organization?

Such as, separate thread areas for buggy, truggy, Revo, Savage, etc? Would answers be easier to find?

And while we're at it, would questions posted in these areas be considered "off limits" for humor, insults, j/k's, etc? Just questions and simple comments. A place to ask and learn from those who know the answers or where to find them. Strictly a Tech QA area? Moderators would have to work harder, too, unfortunately.

So, whaddya think?
it works on the showme board! but whats good for one group may not be good for all! i like it because you get answers quicker and more exact but i also love the joking nature of everyone here. how about anything posted in the off-road/ on-road forums and news be the serious ones? that way we have the general/and lounge to goof around in? just my .02
i think it would be a good idea
Its got my vote. Just dont forget Stadium Trucks. :joy: