12-18-2005, 05:46 PM
Well in the last place we had walls on all four side. just like this track. I think most indoor track have walls. and yes I can and will put tubes in the corners. as the guys who help with the track knows I run out of tubes to put in the corners. But I can't fix the fact you don't know when to stop or use the brakes before you hit the wall which is not part of the track it's 10feet past the corner and that thing in your right hand will make your car or truck .......TURN..... before you hit the wall. wow
:bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup
:bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup :bustingup