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enjoy life as you know it cause it's over
J-Dub Wrote:I'm not a fan boy or bandwagon, I voted the way I did to keep another ignorant warmongering fuck out of office. During a press conference, McCain was quoted as saying "have you ever heard that song, you know, Bomb Bomb Iran?"

"Another ignorant warmongering f---" Let's see, someone who will see through what has been started, or someone who wants to pull out all but a suicidal 50,000 troops, to watch them die. All this under the guise that we're bringing the troops home... Guess what, Obama's plan isn't to bring those other troops home, he wants to send them to Afganistan. Still at war, different location.
I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, and my money. You can keep "THE CHANGE."

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enjoy life as you know it cause it's over - by thenewguy821 - 11-16-2008, 07:41 PM

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