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enjoy life as you know it cause it's over
team3six Wrote:Man I really tried to keep from laying out my opinions here, but I guess the obvious point needs to be brought to the surface.

1. Since the begging of the United States its always been one party vs. another.
French vs. British
British Rule vs. New order
North vs. South
Black vs. White
Democratic Society vs. Communism
Men vs. Women
Rich vs. Poor
Democrates vs. Rupublicans

The fact is, This place we call America has been and still is the land of oppertunity even if you dont think so. Sad but true that many places in this world are still third world countries that have far less than we do as a country even in the financial and difficult times we are facing at the moment. Funny thing is that racism only exsists when someone mentions it. And it doesnt have to be that way at all, Lets face it in all races, creeds, colors, and religions there is bad and good in each. But as they say, you need evil in the world in order for there to be order. because without chaos there would be no humility.

Lately over the past few days I have been seeing the same ole same ole attitudes of not knowing the whole truth behind staements because someone is to affraid or too proud to go beyond thier lines of how each lives thier lifes and not really finding out or looking into the truth. I hate to say this but in all honesty it is called plain old ignorance.

When I seen the political bashing going on on this forum as well as other forums, Somehow even in slight dislike we are all remained civil towards eachother, even friends to some until the political card came into play and now we end up choosing sides once again. Thank god we are not in the civil war era or it would be WAR! Grant and Lee would rise again.

What allot of people dont realize maybe because it wasnt as important as it was the last go around is EVERY election is pointing fingers and spreading the lie. Today we live in a technological era where its really easy to make comment travel across the globe in a matter of minutes. All it takes is a suggestion and group of believers and its HOOK, LINE, & SINKER! Which this time I have seen a ton of it from both parties. Give me a picture and given enough time to dig up some dirt and I can convince your best friends, family, and the internet that your doing something that less than deserves respect.

The point is, being Naive to reality, truth, or plain common sence is your own mistake and if you dont make the effort to undertstand it or investigate it, then your just looking stupid.

Before the election I had a great deal of respect for Sen. McCain. But Then they kept blowing off the Maverick card and the Vet card, and the HERO card. How many of you realize that before Sen. McCain and well after this man that Millions of kids, men and women have effortlessly supported this country by joining the military! Some have been just serving here in the states and some have served overseas. Some have experianced friendships within other cultures, and others have experianced hell like no other. No one ever says thank you for serving us to a military person who never went to war! To me everyone who makes an effort to be American is a HERO! The single mother working three jobs to feed her children even though she made a mistake by getting pregnant by three different guys before she realized she messed up. Or the Vietnam Veteran on the corner of the street trying to panhandle for money to eat or drink the pain away because he is so meesed up in the head and far from out of reach of reality, All because deep inside he believes charlie is coming to get him or he did things that are dispicable that even he himself doesnt want to face. or even the migrant field worker who escaped mexico and is here illegally because he too wants a better life and will do every job that no one else will do. Because simply put, we forgot what it was like to fight to survive under trying times. These are American values that has exsisted since the begining of this country. And that is what keeps us United as one. I remember when 9/11 happened, The United States stopped and we all were all angry, scared, helpless, understanding, needing, we were United as a Country! I seen a country come together for the first time in my life and people were proud to be Americans. One year later I seen less flags hanging, less ribbons on magnets, less patriotism. Now adays Im lucky to see one teathered and half worn weathered beaten sign of patriotism on a wall, car or person.

And now another election has passed in the largest scale of downfall this country has ever seen. And all we can do is point fingers and play the blame game. Sen. McCain finally came out of his shell after the elections and once again became his true self, stepping out from the curtain of his campaign managers design. He said it best when even after the Boos and the hate were being passed around like candy. "We need to join together as a country and find away to fix this."

We all are to blame for what has happend even if we didnt even know we were behind it. It was one thing here and another there. sooner or later there was so much of a mess. no one knew where to begin and where to end. So before you go throwing around the hater speech. be wise enough to ask, Am I makeing a differance by pointing fingers and making false claims. or can I make a differance by helping in whatever way I can as an American. because if you feel it easier to just point and blame, Your not an American. Your and Americant!
just my opinion.

well put man. I got a bit outta hand but thats the way I am. Thats why I havn't posted anything else.

Oh and I still replace my support the troops ribbon magnet every 2-3 months on my truck.
The american flag flies everyday and flown correctly at that. I will never go a day without my flag flying.
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enjoy life as you know it cause it's over - by AddictedtoNITRO - 11-06-2008, 11:16 PM

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