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What were you doing 6yrs ago on this day.
I was on my way to NYC from Boston when I heard it on the radio. I pulled in to a truck stop right away and was watching it on the news live when the 2nd plane hit. At first I thought it was a replay of the 1st plane hitting. Then the newsman was in stunned silence before saying that it appeared a 2nd plane had hit. Thats when the chit hit the fan cuz everyone KNEW it wasn't an accident. I remember all the crazy stories flying around and how weird it felt wondering if it was just the beginning of some huge attack on the country. I had visions of Red Dawn goin round in my head. I turned back around and went home. Honestly it felt good to be an American that nite. It brought everyone together. Everyone was driving around Boston honking horns and flying flags all nite long. It's like everyone's rallying cry. My boss was getting married the next day and got grounded in Salt Lake City. He had to rent a Uhaul and drove cross country to make it.

I don't want to say it was a good thing that happened because I knew people who died that day. But, something had to happen to wake up Americans to the FACT that we don't live in a box and that what we do in our own little world has a big affect on the rest of the world and how peolpe view us. It's to bad that most peoples opinion of the USA is from the garbage we spew out on the television. It's our own fualt that people hate us. Not because we are bad but because we don't do anything to make people understand what we are about.

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What were you doing 6yrs ago on this day. - by slaytanic - 09-11-2007, 12:20 PM

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