rotary carbs!!!!! - Printable Version

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rotary carbs!!!!! - maxx-breaker - 10-02-2006

I need some serious help with this rotary carb that i got on one of my motors. Well here is my problem. I am trying to figure out how you prevetn the carb from completely closing and cutting off air to the motor when you put the brake on. I have never messed with one of these before, and have no idea what i am doing. It is set up , to where you out the break on, it pushes against the carb to where it closes the opening and kills the motor. I tried tightening it up , but then it wont open or close when it is to tight. Help please...

rotary carbs!!!!! - Ponch - 10-02-2006

Turn in (clockwise:lean:to the right) the idle needle until there's a 1-2 mm gap when the brakes are on and fine tune from there.

rotary carbs!!!!! - AddictedtoNITRO - 10-02-2006

make sure your set screws on your linkages are adjusted right

rotary carbs!!!!! - Thirdgen89GTA - 10-02-2006

Depending on the engine there should be either 3 or 4 adjustment screws.

If you have a 2 needle carb then you'll have a Low speed needle (either on the throttle arm, or the opposite side of the throttle arm), a High speed needle (should sit right above where the fuel enters the carb), and the Idle Adjustment screw. This is generally the smallest diameter needle on the carb and is gnerally on the carb body. The idle adjustment screw is a small screw that stops the carb from closing completely when you hit the brakes or let go of the trigger.

If you have a 3 needle carb the idle screw is still generally the smallest diameter screw and will usually sit on the carb body.

rotary carbs!!!!! - maxx-breaker - 10-02-2006

well, i figured out why it was closing it all the way when i was putting on the brake. I didnt have the idle screw sitting in the little groove inside the carb. I didnt knwo that was there. Now i got one other problem though. The throttle works fine now, but when i put on the brake, it will push the throttle really far in, and grad and open the carb up alittle bit when i let the brake off. I'm not sure if you know what i am talking about. I put the brake on, and when i let off, the linkage comes back to far on the thorttle and opens the carbs up aliitle.

rotary carbs!!!!! - Ponch - 10-02-2006

It's your linkage setup, you have to adjust the brake collar.

rotary carbs!!!!! - Thirdgen89GTA - 10-02-2006

Its either the brake collar, of the wire may be bent enough to not let the linkage slide smoothly. The wire on my OS linkage is slightly bent that when I hit hte brake then let off it gives a very tiny blip of the throttle, not enough to move the car even but enough to hear.

rotary carbs!!!!! - AddictedtoNITRO - 10-02-2006

my maxx was like that. Loosen up all the set screws on the linkages and turn rec and transmitter on. center throttle and adjust brake sleeve and throttle springs from there. then tighten then down in the right spots. Make sure you have the throttle in the idle position. Once you do it a time or 2 you'll be like duh I'm retarded lol